About Senior Project

Erik L.-West

Topic: Karate Competitions/Tournaments

EQ: What is most important to competing as a top rated competitor in Martial Arts Tournaments?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1. What I plan to do for my Independent study component is my Karate training on Wednesdays and Thursday evenings to prepare for an upcoming tournament.

2. This plan will meet my 30 hours because I train every week, each class I train in is worth an hour and it helps me stay prepared for my other half of the plan which is competition.  As for competition it may not come very often but I will go for every chance I get.

3. This independent study relates to my Essential Question because as I said before, training helps me prepare for any competition I go to and the competition gives me the feel of being a real competitor.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

1. Here is a Google Docs link to my hours log link


3. Literal: a. I, Erik Leon, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b. What I did to complete these 30 hours was my training and teaching youth students at the American Warrior Karate school on Wednesdays for 1 hour from 7:30 to 8:30 PM and Thursdays for 3 hours from 5:30 to 8:30 PM.

Interpretive: The most significant part of my independent component was achieving my Black Belt because it demonstrates that my training was worth the hard work, although the training doesn’t stop there.

Applied: It helps answer my EQ because my training part helped me understand what it takes to be a good competitor in my point of view while training; I also help the youth students prepare for any upcoming tournament.