About Senior Project

Erik L.-West

Topic: Karate Competitions/Tournaments

EQ: What is most important to competing as a top rated competitor in Martial Arts Tournaments?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Senior Project Reflection

1. What I'm most proud of in my Senior Project is the completion of my 2 hour presentation because I got to share information I gained, get everyone to know how techniques are done, and talk about how I myself as a Martial Artist will try to improve/

2. a. I think I would give myself a P (maybe P-) for my 2 hour presentation.

b. Overall for my Senior project would be a P.

3. What worked for me in my Senior project were my presentations because I got the best grades on those so far.

4. What didn't work for me was only the science part of my Science fair because I wasn't very sure how to apply Karate into a chart, I wasn't sure if there was any other method beside Force of a kick calculations.

5. My Senior project was helpful because it actually got me to focus in my training more than I did before I started.  For example I enjoyed my first time sparring as a Black Belt in team sparring and now in future competitions I want to prepare more better and take the words I gained from my interviewees.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Service Learning

1. Literal: Here is the Service Learning log, my service learning contacts were Sensei Steve Wrey for Training and Shihan Mohammad for competition.

 Interpretive: The most important I gained from this experience was both my Black belt after a long time of training and a better perspective on what it takes to become a good competitor because I worked hard to come a long way but there is still more I need to know and I won't get there unless I continue working just as hard as I always did.

Applied: The experience was actually a good help to answer my EQ because it gave me many options on what to go in depth with to figure out which important techniques or tactics that need so much training time for an answer.

2. Karate Training: Sensei Steve Wrey

Compete competitions: Shihan Mohammad Jahan-Vash

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent Component 2

-Click the link for the log https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AglGmYIy2HNQdFkyOHgwNDUyWVBHNmsyM0tfd0ZIOXc

-Here's a normal class match to show evidence of my practice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NhiYelLJvM

-Literal:   a. I, Erik Leon, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b. What I did to complete these 30 hours was my training and teaching youth students at the American Warrior Karate school on Wednesdays for 1 hour from 7:30 to 8:30 PM and Thursdays for 3 hours from 5:30 to 8:30 PM.

Interpretive: The most significant part of my independent component was actually competing as a Black Belt for the first time because now my fighting is going to be practiced to a new level and the new exciting competition challenge.

Applied: It helps answer my EQ because my training part helped me understand what it takes to be a good competitor in my point of view while training as well as actually applying most of what I practice and my answers state into my fighting such as angle hand techniques.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Research check 15

-How did he get his left knee injury?
-About how long did he try to endure the pain before it got worse?
-Why didn't he tell the Sensei about his knee injury like he should and avoid worsening it?
-What agedid he start Karate?
-Even though after surgery he couldn't do many stances anymore, at least he found Sanchin Dachi to make up for it. All it is, is doing several fast movements from one stance.

-Why wouldn't some Karate instructors not promote tournaments to their own students?
-I would find it somewhat shameful if I ever boasted that I was a Karatevpinstructor and don't ever compete.
-Just like the narrator, I enjoy the aspects of competing myself.
-That's one thing I'm working on, finding my opponents weaknesses when fighting.
-I agree on a competitor being able to cope with disappointments from a fight because it helps to reflect upon yourself, learn what didn't work and how to improve on it.

-Who would think that training for competition wouldn't provide any positive effect?
-Never knew audio and Sport Karate aspects were once put together.


1. To compete, one should effectively implement the Slide-up Double Side Kick.

2.  A good competitor should have effective use of angling in their fighting tactics.

3.  One should be able to work their ring on their opponent with quick, short, and snappy side-stepping instead of doing it slow and looking cumberstoned.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Answer #3

EQ: What is most important to competing as a top rated competitor in Martial Arts Tournaments?

Answer: One should be able to work their ring on their opponent with quick, short, and snappy side-stepping instead of doing it slow and looking cumberstoned.

Evidence: -Side-stepping has helped balance out a fighter's offense and defense for sparring.
-Bill “Superfoot” Wallace has made effective use of it in his sparring and it proved to be great since it helped him surprise his opponents.
-Bill “Superfoot” Wallace always did find fighters to be either too offensive minded or defensive minded without a little side=stepping.

Source(s): My main source for this answer was #9 C “The Ultimate Kick: The Wallace Method To Winnning Karate” Chapter 3.